Licensed homebirth midwife supporting families through a natural, peaceful, and healthy pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum season.

Serving Northeastern Colorado and Southeastern Wyoming


Are you looking for prenatal care from a holistic perspective? Are you looking for a midwife who focuses on partnering with families during the childbearing season? Are you wanting individualized care with deep personal connection?

I strongly believe that women’s bodies have been created to grow, birth, and feed their children. We live in a world where that truth has been forgotten; the beauty, awesomeness, breathtaking moments, and astounding work of birth has been hidden. I desire to uncover it and bring it into the light again. I focus on building a foundation of communication and deep connection with my clients as I join them on their journey of growing their family.

Photo: Denice Web -

Homebirth midwife serving Northeastern Colorado and Southeastern Wyoming
